Welcome to the real money world
Let me guess. You are looking for real answers right? Great! Well, if real is what you are looking for, you are at the right address. Welcome.
There are no niceties as this is not an entertainment site. There are no gimmicks, no funny tricks, no sugarcoating of issues, no stupid politics, false promises, lies or deceit. I’m not interested in playing silly games with your money or life. I am here to add value to your life and not take value away.
My goal is to inspire you to stop being a debt slave; but instead, invest your money, live a simple life and experience peace of mind every-day. It’s that simple.
Are you not tired of grinding the daily life of bills, hard work and even higher bills? Planning to debt till death?
Be smart. Stop sweating for money and let it sweat for you.
The Dream
Are you planning to debt till death? Debt-free is better. Start the journey now.
What I do?
I want to teach and inspire you to shift your mindset about money so you can be debt free and take your life back.
From Winnie
Winnie Kunene is a Sowetan columnist, Co-host BDTV and Soweto TV Money show.